How to Turn Your Marriage
Around in the Next 48 Hours
(Proven Effective for 85% of Couples)
Listen to this 3 minute video by Dr. Huizenga
- Learn how to draw your spouse closer with Powerful Impactful words.
- Learn how to resolve quickly the hurt, fear and anger.
- Imagine your spouse truly listening and caring about what YOU say.
- Learn what automatically gets your spouse’s (loving) attention
Add the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module to my Cart for only $27.00
Scroll down for more infomation.
Turn Your Marriage (or Relationship)
Around in 48 Hours – or Less
I will share with you THE MOST POWERFUL tool couples rave about in my 30+ years as a MFT.
If you’ve tried everything and yet…
- you feel the knot tighten in your stomach when our partner gives you that look
- you keep recycling your marital garbage over and over and over
- your marriage seems tied to drama or trauma
- your marriage is stale as dry bread and sometimes stinks like dead fish
- Or You want more… you ache for more… you will not settle for less
You CAN Knock Your Relationship
off its Loveless Center
Then I have the Tool that will knock your relationship off it’s loveless center and open the door to new possibilities for a true and deep love.
Of all the emails I’ve received over the past 15 years, a huge majority, day after day, point to the power of this one Tool, Charging Neutral.
For example:
Carolynn sent me a scathing email
She was mad at me and yet, I just love Carolynn.
Dang.. she says.
(She gave me permission to share her “scathing” email. Here it is…)
Dear Dr. Bob – I’m not happy with you! After all this work I have done – religiously, I might add – and down to the letter. When we broke up I swore I would never love again, and that I could never be happy again. Every time I saw him, I died inside. I cried myself to sleep at least ½ of the past two months! As crazy as this may sound – I wanted to always hurt for him – always be sad – because that way, he may come back to welcoming arms.
But, alas, no thanks to you, I saw him yesterday and didn’t ache, didn’t hurt, and didn’t cry afterwards! What have you done? Where is the sting I had gotten so used to? Please explain to me why I have a new self-esteem without him? Tell me how to get back the hatred, the anger, and the frustrations of rejection – because without those emotions ruling over me apparently I have become attractive again.
I didn’t want to fall out of love with my husband – I mean, yes, he broke our vows, cheated, lied, and harbored secrets – but he was mine. He was not his to give away to someone else – I owned him!
Your program has had me seeing myself and my values in a whole new light. And, I swear, ever since I discovered that my values were conflicting with his – and because I wouldn’t compromise on my spiritual values, my personal values, and my intimacy values – you made me see that the internal conflict was causing a mess.
I have discovered a peaceful calm, new love, and a healthier me – I didn’t pay for this! When I saw him yesterday, I said to myself, “What was I thinking? I must have been desperate as hell to hook up with him!” So, I am angry because I paid for your books in order to keep him and now I don’t want him and he is begging me to reconsider our marriage! Hmph!!
A Sleeping, Distant, Antagonistic or
Wayward Partner CAN Awaken
- your spouse noticing you, raising eyebrows, paying attention, asking questions, concerned about what you are doing, responding to your words, different body language
- feel the tension, knot in stomach, heaviness in chest fade
- feel your inner strength swell as you are noticed, acknowledged, considered
- start to get your self esteem and confidence back
- you could actually breathe when with your spouse or partner
- as you move from afraid of losing it all > knowing love is possible
- from going crazy or numbing yourself > feeling in control and hopeful
- fearing your children are suffering > household with much less tension
85% of Marriages – Even if Yours Seems Lost
and Hopeless – CAN Turn Around in 48 Hours
Don’t Throw in the Towel
I hope you are reluctant to throw in the towel.
ALL marriages suffer, more so at particular times and phases.
Your marriage is there for you, your partner and your children to learn to love. Love is never perfected. There is always more.
And to be frank, the grass is not greener. The divorce and split rate for second marriages goes up. Infidelity never works out. Never.
So, I’m here to offer you a Tool that sets off your process of turning your marriage around, and more!
Are You Safe?
I must address this. And I address it thoroughly in the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module I will offer.
Your relationship must be safe. You must be safe. Your children must be safe.
If you are not physically safe, please move out now or begin planning an exit strategy.
My extensive worksheet in the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module gives you a checklist and an opportunity to evaluate the level of safety in your relationship.
Enough said.
What about the 15%?
From my experience 15% of marriages fail to turn around in 48 hours.
You may feel disappointment or frustration if this is your case.
However, I provide an extensive look into this situation, offering reasons, extenuating circumstances and steps you may take. (I have a more advanced Module for this topic.)
Jolt Your Marriage to Love
I introduced Carolynn to a Tool I call Charging Neutral, which she applied with great results.
Charging Neutral is an oxymoron that in a subtle but powerful way upsets the balance and flow in a marriage or relationship.
A manual for Charging Neutral, the Charging Neutral Checklist to measure progress and the “ Are You Safe? 49 Checklist Questionnaire is included in an online Module called “Quick Marriage Turnaround.”
Charging Neutral Works for Others
and Can Work for You
This Module is a extremely effective and initial step in Building a Marriage.
Read what these users have to say:
This exercise was precisely the kind of help I have needed. The steps have also given me a better understand of how to “Charge Neutral.” I’ve intellectually acknowledged that charging neutral is be a good thing for me to be doing but have felt defeated in being able to do it. The process in this module of identifying shifts to implement gives me a practical tool to work with. I didn’t even realize why I was so unhappy with myself and my marriage. It was like two empty people tearing each other apart.
So many times I’ve wanted to yell, “I want a divorce!” but haven’t. Now I realized there is a better way to address the problems.
Speak the Truth without Pushing Away
In the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module you will learn:
- Why an oxymoron like Charging Neutral is more powerful than conventional advice in changing a marriage or relationship
- How Charging Neutral is a tool to manage your reactive emotions that get you what you don’t want
- How Charging Neutral empowers you to speak the truth without pushing your spouse or partner away
- How Charging Neutral gives you the BEST CHANCE of resolution and healing
- How Charging Neutral is guaranteed to change your relationship
- How Charging Neutral helps you assume leadership on the path to health, understanding, acceptance, validation, reality and hope
What to Expect from the Quick
Marriage Turn Around Module
- You will address the CORE and serious issues WITHOUT your spouse or partner walking away.
- You will be released from the doormat, passive and victim role.
- You will experience a middle ground between being “nice and sweet” and thoughtlessly reacting angrily.
- You will state with power, clarity, without apology and calmly what you truly want to say.
- You will discover a powerful tool that Charging Neutral is a powerful tool and has carry over into any relationship of emotional investment – parent, child, family of origin, boss, employee, etc.
- You will learn about the validity of “faking it til you make it.”
- You will forget about getting results and instead state your position non reactively and, in that process, get the results you truly desire.
- You will stay in the present moment, eliminating disturbing thoughts and mental chatter.
- You will move beyond personal neediness.
- You will refuse to buy into old patterns that create confusion, tension and distance.
Be a Success Story – It’s Not as
Difficult as You Might Think.
Charging Neutral has been used effectively by thousands.
Many have written their success stories or sought advice on using Charging Neutral.
I’ve collated some of those stories into Case Studies which are included in the Charging Neutral Manual.
Ideas are nice. Concepts are helpful.
But, to read how others use Charging Neutral and read my comments about their use, takes your understanding and ability to use to a deeper and more profound level.
Here’s a list of some of the Case Studies available in the Charging Neutral Manual found in the Quick Marriage Turn Around Module:
Get Your Access to the “Quick Marriage
Turn Around” Module now!
I’m offering access for only $27.00.
$27.00 makes access affordable for everyone. I want you to give Charging Neutral a try. That’s all I ask.
Promise me you will intentionally and consciously use the next 48 hours to learn about and implement Charging Neutral.
If the pain and fear grab you by the throat now, replace them – only for the next 48 hours with Charging Neutral.
If you can’t get your mind off your marriage, use Charging Neutral to shift your thinking, but only for the next 48 hours.
If your marriage is in crisis, 48 hours may seem like an eternity. A part of you thinks that if you are not vigilant, not responsive, not “working on” the marriage, something awful will happen. If you ‘check out’ for 2 days you are fearful your spouse will truly CHECK OUT for good.
Only 48 Hours
Now, let’s be real here. 48 hours is not a long time in the scheme of your marriage or relationship. Changing your pattern for a couple days is not the end of your marital world, even though you may fear so. In reality it stands a great chance of beginning something wonderful.
$27.00 gets you full access to the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module which includes:
- Are you Safe? Questionnaire and Evaluation
- How to Get Your Spouse’s Attention FAST – the Charging Neutral Manual
- Charging Neutral Progress Checklist
These 2 Gifts are Added as Bonuses and will
Accelerate Marriage Building
Taking the first step to heal, build and restore yourself and your marriage or relationship may seem daunting and confusing.
It’s nice to have someone there who knows the territory and offers support.
So, to provide support and continue to open a new world of love for you, I’m also giving you access to the Support Group Module and the Image Quotes Module.
The Support Group Module
This Module invites you to join a private online group where you meet like minded folks who also use Charging Neutral and are committed to rebuilding their marriage or relationship.
You learn from others. You will get the practical heart felt support you need and desire.
I also frequent the group offering comments, suggestions and encouragement.
The Image Quotes Module
To be frank, much of what you are taught and absorb about love and marriage is at best misleading and at worst harmful to you and your marriage.
You must change your thinking about love and marriage. You must create new brain cells and discover new ideas and concepts that enable you to find a love that is lasting and true.
The Image Quotes Module offers dozens of quotes, complete with attractive images, I created over the past 5 years. These thought provoking and mind altering quotes keep you on track to lasting and true love.
Join the Hundreds of Others Who Were Able to Turn
Their Marriage, Relationship and Life Around
I want you to know that your course helped me far more than any of the others because it was straight forward, real and doable. I am constantly going back to refresh myself with things to think about. It’s a great resource to see just how far I’ve come. I am an educated professional and was skeptical. But your advice is wise, anticipates my questions and is reassuring.
Thank you for being a voice of confidence, assurance, and guidance in this quagmire. At last somebody who was giving practical advice, somebody who called ‘a spade, a spade’, somebody who, above all, never gave up on me and understood my dilemma and my hesitance to order over the internet.
Your writings have not only saved my marriage, but also my life. My pain is still not over, as I discovered that my wife of 20 years has been having long term affairs on the side for 17 of these years, including the period over which we were having children. Your members area helped tremendously to understand her problems as well as mine. My new business is thriving and we are still together. And perhaps for the first time we are ‘really’ together.
I am at a point in the marriage where I felt that it had to move and go somewhere or it would consume me. I once again found myself at this site and it is immensely helpful, honest and hits you with the right language which, in turn, is refreshing from other therapies in which the truth and the reality of the situation is unveiled and verified. * In contrast to the fluffy filling therapists often try to fill you with without letting the true validation surface.
Thank you for the specific examples in the checklists. I felt immediately like the material was relevant to my specific situation and it empowered me to believing in and then following your instructions closely. Thank You!!
Easy read. Well written. Calms the anxious mind. Interesting to learn about marriage “myths” and wrong ideas. No wonder things weren’t’ getting better when I was going down the laundry list of fixing his complaints!
The best part is I don’t have to work at it. There is a process and a system – it makes everything easier.
Sharon says, Charging neutral is the way I can keep anxiety and emotional reactions out of the picture.
Warning: The Effects of Turning
Your Marriage Around Using
Charging Neutral are Temporary
The purpose of Charging Neutral is to increase confidence in your ability to change the flow and course of your marriage or relationship. You are empowered.
As well, Charging Neutral shows new possibilities as you experience calmness and hope in a relationship that not long ago was fraught with pain and hopelessness.
You found a tool to manage your marriage, at least for 48 hours.
So, why won’t the wonderful results last?
You must understand that in a relationship of deep emotional investment, your interaction is determined by underlying, largely unconscious forces. You came into this world with a DNA forged by your ancestors. As you grow you bury the pain, the fears and the anger of trying to cope with a world that is less than loving and power people who often use their power against you, rather than for you.
You bring this buried mass along with you and play me it out in your marriage and family – some say 90% beyond your present awareness. You are only aware of the tip of the iceberg.
You naturally slide back into those patterns, fears and frustrations.
Overcome the Dilemma and Dig Deep
Now, as a therapist for 30 years, I’m well aware of this dilemma.
Therefore, in addition to the “Quick Marriage Turn Around,” I’ve developed subsequent Modules that address the 90% that you, at this point, find difficult, if impossible to control.
I will fill you in on those Modules later, after you complete the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module.
The “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module
(with the Image Quotes and Support Group)
is the First Step
When you receive access (your username and password) to the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module you will log in to the Dashboard for the Marriage Building OnlineCourse.
Commit for the Next 48 Hours – Experience the Possibilities
Now is the time!
The next 48 Hours will be the MOST important 48 hours in the life of your marriage or relationship.
I suggest you not delay.
You have absolutely everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Quickly Turn Your Marriage Around without resorting to manipulation or aggressive tactics that stand the chance of doing more harm than good.
I’ll see you in the “Quick Marriage Turn Around” Module.
The best,
P.S. I had a 60 year old coaching client who continued to blame and rant against her husband. She refused to Charge Neutral. She continues to be a grumpy old person and remains miserable in her marriage. (Her husband gets as far away from her as possible.) I know that’s not what you want!
P.S.S. I know you want a deeper and lasting love. I’m committed to help you make that happen.